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Aenean sit amet arcu ac turpis commodo congue et vel ante. Donec varius, felis vitae dapibus convallis.

Aenean sit amet arcu ac turpis commodo congue et vel ante. Donec varius, felis vitae dapibus convallis.

Aenean sit amet arcu ac turpis commodo congue et vel ante. Donec varius, felis vitae dapibus convallis.

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Lost, confused, and broken. This fragmented project depicts the reconciliation of my mind after the loss of the video and pictures that I had taken...

With only a few days left to present the (far-from-finished) main project that I had spent the last few months working on (‘TWENTY4’), I knew...

‘Walk Through Time’ is a short animation group project created during my first months at university. The entire process took place over eleven days and...

Meet the Artist

Nathan John Cooper

Nathan John Cooper is an 18-year-old student in the South of the United Kingdom whose expertise spans across diemetrically opposed industries with computer progamming knowledge, creative projects, and athletic experience.

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  • 22 October 2022
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